Schwyzerlüt : Zytschrift für üsi schwyzerische Mundarte
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Schwyzerlüt : Zytschrift für üsi schwyzerische Mundarte (from 1950 Schwyzerlüt : Schriftereihe für üses Schwyzerdütsch, founded by Gotthold Otto Schmid, was published from 1939 to 1973. Its aims were to foster Swiss-German dialects and provide a publication platform for contemporary dialect authors such as Traugott Meyer, Traugott Vogel, Sophie Haemmerli-Marti or Karl Grunder. The spread of vernacular literature sought to strengthen the Swiss- German mother tongue, to promote cohesion across the country, to maintain "Swiss Spirit" and to strengthen Switzerland generally.
Years of publication 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1970, 1971, 1972 were not available for digitalisation.
Title history:
Schwyzerlüt : Zytschrift für üsi schwyzerische Mundarte