E–Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 77 (2022)
Überschrift Seite
Issue 1 _
Front matter _
Article: Regular spatial hexagons 1
Article: Further explorations of unimodular roots 20
Article: Wilhelm Fiedlers "Darstellende Geometrie" (1871). Teil 1 27
Article: Neue Clifford-Morley Kreisketten 37
Rubric: Aufgaben 47
Book review: Rezensionen 51
Back matter _
Issue 2 _
Front matter _
Article: Polynomial fill-in puzzles or how to make sense of the Cook-Levin theorem 53
Article: Inkreis-Konfigurationen ebener Vielecke 63
Article: Wilhelm Fiedlers "Darstellende Geometrie" (1871). Teil 2 75
Article: Sur un article d'Euler, prématuré bien que posthume 94
Rubric: Aufgaben 101
Back matter _
Issue 3 _
Front matter _
Article: Lobachevsky-type formulas via Fourier analysis 105
Article: Eulers Lösung eines difficiliorum Problematum 114
Article: The smallest convex k-gon containing n congruent disks 122
Article: On the universality of Somos' constant 138
Article: A note on the Diophantine equation (x+1)³+(x+2)³+...+(2x)³=yn 142
Book review: Rezensionen 144
Rubric: Aufgaben 146
Back matter _
Issue 4 _
Front matter _
Article: Apparent paradoxical partitions in countable sets 153
Article: One property of a planar curve whose convex hull covers a given convex figure 159
Article: Two statements characterizing the Euclidian metric of a metric plane 171
Article: Ceva-triangular points of a triangle 180
Article: Teildreiecke und Kreise 187
Article: The Milne-Thomson formula for the harmonic conjugate and its associated holomorphic function 192
Rubric: Aufgaben 196
Back matter _