E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 10 (1944-1945)
Intitulé Page
Issue 1 1
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Annual report & balance sheet 1
Téléchargement PDF Index: Membership list 2
Téléchargement PDF Index: New members 4
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Congratulations 4
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 4
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Obituary 8
Issue 2 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Switzerland's economic situation at the end of June 1944 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Swiss system for military training 2
Téléchargement PDF Article: Interned flyers ski and study in Swiss camp 2
Téléchargement PDF Article: Swiss now lift blackout 3
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: Swiss evening at Mr. Engelberger's 7
Téléchargement PDF Article: Note of appreciation 7
Téléchargement PDF Article: Swiss girl wanted as probationer in Stratford Maternity Hospital 7
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Swiss broadcasts 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Members in hospital 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: News from home or from Swiss in N.Z. 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Subscription-fee 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: Birth - notices 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: New members 8
Issue 3 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Minister Sulzer of Winterthur explains to Swiss abroad, the past, present and future of Swiss economics 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Our foreign Minister, Federal Councillor Pilet-Golaz, resigns 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: Swiss efforts to resume diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia fail 4
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 5
Téléchargement PDF Article: Season's compliments 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Obituary 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: New members 8
Issue 4 1
Téléchargement PDF Preface: Farewell message to the Swiss Community in New Zealand of the former Swiss Federal Councillor and foreign Minister Monsieur Marcel Pilet-Golaz 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Switzerland's neutrality and present trade relations 2
Téléchargement PDF Article: The new President of the International Red Cross 4
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 5
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Auckland Social Committee 7
Téléchargement PDF Index: Auckland social Committee 1943-45 7
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: [News] 7
Téléchargement PDF Article: Pleasant memories of the Wellington Swiss 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: New members 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Subscription - fee 8
Issue 5 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Switzerland's participation in post-war reconstruction in Europe 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: The 1944 Russo-Swiss affair 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Switzerland and the English 3
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: Auckland annual picnic 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: New members 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Subscription fee 8
Issue 6 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Conclusion of allied trade negotiations with Switzerland 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: The great Swiss Alpine tunnels : St. Gotthard, Simplon & Loetschberg 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Swiss study new labor possibilities for postwar period 3
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 4
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Subscription fee 8
Issue 7 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: In defense of Switzerland 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Echo regarding the conclusion of allied trade negotiations with Switzerland 2
Téléchargement PDF Article: 75th birthday 3
Téléchargement PDF Article: Serious food and raw material shortage in Switzerland 5
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 5
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Swiss broadcasts - change of time 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Change of address 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: New members 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Subscription fee 8
Issue 8 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Switzerland welcomes peace in Europe 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Reactions in Switzerland to the death of President Roosevelt 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Switzerland observes delightful old customs in May 2
Téléchargement PDF Article: Difficult times for trade and industry 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: The question of an old age and survivors insurance 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: Switzerland and air traffic of the future 5
Téléchargement PDF Article: Elections in the Canton of Vaud 5
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 6
Téléchargement PDF Obituary: Obituary 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Swiss broadcasts - change of wavelengths 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: New members 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Subscription fee 8
Issue 9 1
Téléchargement PDF Preface: Peace message by the Swiss Federal Council 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: The end of hostilities in Europe - through the eyes of the Swiss Press 2
Téléchargement PDF Article: The Swiss Government answers accusations regarding the German concentration camps 4
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: Soldiers gift - parcels 6
Téléchargement PDF Article: Auckland - 1st of August celebration 6
Téléchargement PDF Index: Inquiries as to the wereabouts of Swiss citizens 7
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Broadcasts by the International Red Cross Committee, Geneva 7
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Swiss broadcasts - change of wavelengths 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: New members 8
Issue 10 1
Téléchargement PDF Preface: 1st August, 1945 : Switzerland's 654th birthday 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: General Guisan lays down his command 2
Téléchargement PDF Article: Switzerland and Soviet Russia 3
Téléchargement PDF Article: Has Switzerland enough to eat? 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: The Swiss workers at the end of the war 5
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 6
Téléchargement PDF Article: 1st of August celebrations 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Broadcast on Switzerland from Australia 8
Issue 11 1
Téléchargement PDF Preface: 1st August celebrations of the Swiss Communities in New Zealand 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: New Zealand national broadcasting service stages two short programmes in honour of Switzerland's National Day 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: German holdings in Switzerland 5
Téléchargement PDF Article: Swiss reflection on the San Francisco Conference 6
Téléchargement PDF Article: The foreigners in Switzerland 7
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 7
Téléchargement PDF Article: Food parcels for Switzerland 8
Téléchargement PDF Obituary: Obituary 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: New member 8
Issue 12 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Cessation of active military defence in Switzerland 1
Téléchargement PDF Article: Dividing the cheese an important event in the Justis Valley 3
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Sundry news from Switzerland 4
Téléchargement PDF Article: Letter of thanks received from the Swiss Federal Council 7
Téléchargement PDF Article: Swiss Foreign Office expresses appreciation for the activities of our Society 7
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Acknowledgement 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: [News] 8
Téléchargement PDF Index: Birth-notice 8
Téléchargement PDF Rubric: Note of thanks 8
Téléchargement PDF Advertising 9