E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 22 (2017)
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Download as PDF Article: Uncertain future(s) : perceptions on time between the immediate and the imagined 4
Download as PDF Article: Bright prospects or an ominous future : anticipating oil in Uganda 18
Download as PDF Article: The uncertainty of oil : balancing through the temporalities and affects of depletion in Gabon 28
Download as PDF Article: Crafting a better future in Liberia : hustling and associational life in post-war Monrovia 37
Download as PDF Article: Fighting Hydra : the uncertainties of waiting for a liver transplant 47
Download as PDF Article: Ungewisse Zukünfte am Lebensbeginn : die soziale Konstruktion eines Kindes unter den Bedingungen einer präntal diagnostizierten Fehlbildung 57
Download as PDF Article: Doing (with) time : dealing with indefinite incarceration in Switzerland 68
Download as PDF Article: Vom Einzelstück in der Serie 78
Download as PDF Article: "On est tous des composts" : discours et pratiques écologistes autour des déchets organiques et des toilettes sèches 89
Download as PDF Article: "Go-along" method in anthropological research with artists with disabilities : an insight into the researchers' experiences 95
Download as PDF Article: On visual evidence : picturing forced displacement in Northern Sudan 100
Download as PDF Article: Enjeux de territoires, enjeux de savoirs : jalons théoriques pour une interprétation transversale des reterritorialisation autochtones dans les Amériques 112
Download as PDF Compte rendu de lecture: Rezensionen = Comptes rendus 123
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