E–Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume - (2023)
Überschrift Seite
Cahier 42 _
Pages liminaires _
Préface: One edition of trans magazin contains [...] _
Table des matières _
Pages liminaires _
Article: Anti-Aging-Creme oder: Wie ich lernte, Herzen zu verbrennen 8
Article: A conversation with Matteo Ghidoni 12
Article: Zeitgeschichtliche Geisterkunde 17
Article: Fastenzeit 23
Article: Springtime wastelands 26
Article: Das Ende der linearen Welt 35
Article: "You've got time"* : discovering Léonie Geisendorf's investigation on prison cells 40
Pages liminaires 45
Article: The travelling grocer 46
Article: The trees at Brasília Palace Hotel 50
Article: Vorsaison 56
Article: Ein Block Torf, Protokoll 65
Article: Time as material 69
Article: A conversation with Roger Tudó Galí 73
Pages liminaires 79
Article: Ein Gespräch mit Käti Robert-Durrer 80
Article: Time is money : on hyper-performativity 85
Article: Naturbilder der alten und neuen Welt 91
Article: Part three : once fish teeth turned into rocks and powered the modern world 95
Article: Spekulative Spolien 103
Article: A figuration : times and narratives 109
Pages liminaires 113
Article: Revolution of the anonymous 115
Article: Apocrypha, or i just need a good story to keep me going 125
Rubrique: Give me a second - or 42 minutes 129
Article: Furnishing the primitive hut : feeding the present with a past that has never been 135
Article: A conversation with Anna Puigjaner and Guillermo López 140
Article: Cara Mamma 146
Rubrique: Notes 152
Pages complémentaires _
Cahier 43 _
Pages liminaires _
Préface: Do you feel heard? _
Table des matières _
Pages liminaires _
Article: Will you please be quiet, please? : Japan's Kankyō Ongaku and the Bubble Economy in the 1980s 8
Article: The politics of silence 13
Article: A meander walk in the Tagliamento (Italy) : 22 March 2023, 11:30 to 12:00 am 19
Article: Afterhours 23
Article: On haunted landscapes 28
Article: Connecting the Amazon 39
Article: Ein Gespräch mit Blanche Biau 42
Pages liminaires 47
Article: Malouf's "world of silence", or queering the undercroft 49
Article: Werkstatt Wangelen 57
Article: A conversation with Lütjens Padmanabhan 61
Article: Euphonia 67
Article: Forest, heart and dream : a silence journey through symbology 75
Article: 40 um 40 81
Pages liminaires 87
Article: If not to perish in silence, revolt with silence 89
Article: Keep quiet please 97
Article: Checking-in : revising the bachelor's curriculum 102
Article: This is not an academic conversation 105
Article: Ein Gepräch mit Tanja Reimer 110
Pages liminaires 117
Rubrique: Silent dwindling 118
Article: Public loudspeaker 120
Article: Neu : Samstag geschlossen 124
Article: Ein Gespräch mit Pool Potentials 127
Artikel: We invented some things that make noise but not a single one that creates silence 133
Rubrik: Freeze 138
Artikel: Were you silent or were you never heard? : Story of refusal 142
Artikel: From the desert to the metropolis : a conversation with Jean-Philippe Vassal 147
Rubrik: Notes 152
Endseiten _