E–Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 4 (1980)
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Als PDF herunterladen Index: IABSE periodica 1980: table of contents _
Issue P-26: Symposium 1979 bridges: panel discussion: mission for the future _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Symposium 1979 bridges: panel discussion: mission for the future 1
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Issue P-27: Repair of a railway bridge in pre-stressed concrete with three continuous spans _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Réparation d'un pont ferrovaire en béton précontraint à trois travées continues 21
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Issue P-28: Bridge on the river Ganges at Buxar, India _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Bridge on the river Ganges at Buxar, India 37
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Issue P-29: Bridges: construction techniques and methods (concrete and steel) _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Bridges: construction techniques and methods (concrete and steel) 49
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Issue P-30: Fatigue resistant tendonds for cable-stayed construction _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Fatigue resistant tendonds for cable-stayed construction 65
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Issue P-31: Ship collision problems: I Great Belt Bridge: II International enquiry _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Ship collision problems: I Great Belt Bridge: II International enquiry 81
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Issue P-32: Bending theory of skew-anisotropic plates _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Bending theory of skew-anisotropic plates 109
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Issue P-33: Bond strength in concrete filled steel tubes _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Bond strength in concrete filled steel tubes 125
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Issue P-34: Sway buckling of multistory frames _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Sway buckling of multistory frames 141
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Issue P-35: A structural wood system for highway bridges _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: A structural wood system for highway bridges 157
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Issue P-36: Formal and real structural safety: influence of gross errors _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Formal and real structural safety: influence of gross errors 185
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Issue P-37: Non-linear analysis of cable-stayed bridges _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Non-linear analysis of cable-stayed bridges 205
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