E–Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 65 (2010)
Überschrift Seite
Issue 1 _
Als PDF herunterladen Front matter _
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Astragalus tegulensis Bacch. & Brullo (Fabaceae) : a new species from Sardinia 5
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Lectotypification of the name Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. (Bryophyta) 15
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Typification of the name Allaeanthus kurzii Hook. f. (Moraceae) 21
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Typification des taxons corses de l'herbier de Litardière 23
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Contribution of morphometry to the taxonomy of Baptistonia Barb. Rodr. (Orchidaceae) 45
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Dos especies nuevas de Marsdenia R. Br. (Apocynaceae) de México 63
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Plant communities and phytogeographical units from NW San Juan Province (High Central Andes of Argentina) 69
Als PDF herunterladen Article: New combinations and descriptions of two new species in Pabstiella Brieger & Senghas (Orchidaceae) from Brazil 95
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Croton thomasii Riina & P. E. Berry (Euphorbiaceae) : a new species from the Atlantic Forest in the State of Bahia (Brazil) and : typification of Croton sapiifolius Müll. Arg. 101
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Tipificación de Taraxacum gasparrinii Lojac. (Sect. Erythrosperma, Compositae) 109
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Notula ad Floram paraquaiensem, 105 113
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Use of the Multi-Response Permutation Procedure and Indicator Species Values for the statistical classification of the gypsicolous Iberian scrub communities 117
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Systemic revision of the Poa sphondylodes Trin. complex (Poaceae) 135
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Three perplexing names of species of Campanula L. 143
Download as PDF Article: Marshland vegetation of Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia) 147
Download as PDF Article: Novedades taxonómicas y nomenclaturales en Mimosa L. subser. Mimosa (Leguminosae) para Sudamérica Austral 169
Download as PDF Index: Index des combinaisons et noms nouveaux = Index of new combinations and names _
Download as PDF Index: Index des syntaxons nouveaux = Index of new syntaxa _
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Issue 2 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Article: Begonia goldingiana L. Kollmann & A. P. Fontana (Begoniaceae) : a new species from the Atlantic Forest of Southern Bahia, Brazil 185
Download as PDF Article: Gymnosporia cryptopetala Reyes-Bet. & A. Santos (Celastraceae) : a new species from the Canary Islands 189
Download as PDF Article: Anatomía foliar de Sacciolepis Nash (Poaceae) 197
Download as PDF Article: Tibetoseris depressa subsp. gauri D. Maity (Asteraceae) : a new subspecies from eastern Himalaya 211
Download as PDF Article: A taxonomic revision of Timonius subgen. Pseudobobea (Valeton) S. P. Darwin (Rubiaceae) 217
Download as PDF Artikel: Taxonomic revision of Sinningia Nees (Gesneriaceae) IV : six new species from Brazil and a long overlooked taxon 241
Download as PDF Artikel: Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse, XXIII 267
Download as PDF Artikel: Crotalaria chaco-serranensis H. Bach & Fortunato nom. nov. (Leguminosae) del Chaco argentino 291
Download as PDF Artikel: Revisión taxonómica de las especies del género Schizachyrium (Poaceae : Andropogoneae) de Sudamérica 301
Download as PDF Artikel: The endemic vascular flora of Supramontes (Sardinia) : a priority plant conservation area 347
Download as PDF Artikel: Notes on the flora of Madagascar, 1-5 359
Download as PDF Artikel: Calicioid lichens and fungi in the Muota Valley, central Switzerland : high species diversity in a small area 377
Download as PDF Artikel: Notula ad Floram paraquaiensem, 106 393
Download as PDF Buchbesprechung: Analyse d'ouvrage 403
Download as PDF Register: Index des combinaisons et noms nouveaux = Index of new combinations and names 404
Download as PDF Register: Index des syntaxons nouveaux = Index of new syntaxa 405
Download as PDF Register: Index des lectotypifications et néotypifications = Index of lectotypifications and neotypifications 406
Download as PDF Rubrik: Liste des experts auxquels ont été soumis les manuscrits : Novembre 2009 - Novembre 2010 = Reviewers of manuscripts submitted for publication : November 2009 - November 2010 408
Download as PDF Inhaltsverzeichnis 409