Cahier P1: Some finite elements having particular application to box girder bridges
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Article: Some finite elements having particular application to box girder bridges
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Cahier P2: Limit states design of flat plates and slabs
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Article: Limit states design of flat plates and slabs
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Cahier P-3: Analysis of lateral buckling of continuous beams
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Article: Analysis of lateral buckling of continuous beams
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Cahier P-4: Analysis of cylindrical shell systems
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Article: Analysis of cylindrical shell systems
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Cahier P-5: Dynamic analysis of a curved floating bridge
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Article: Dynamic analysis of a curved floating bridge
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Cahier P-6: Web instability near reinforced rectangular holes
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Article: Web instability near reinforced rectangular holes
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Cahier P-7: Moment redistribution in composite structures
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Article: Schnittkraftumlagerung in Verbundkonstruktionen
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Cahier P-8: Inelastic buckling strength of stiffened plates in compression
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Article: Inelastic buckling strength of stiffened plates in compression
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Cahier P-9: A rational analysis of plates with eccentric stiffeners
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Article: A rational analysis of plates with eccentric stiffeners
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Cahier P-10: The collapse and reconstruction of a prestressed concrete box-section girder
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Article: The collapse and reconstruction of a prestressed concrete box-section girder
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