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Index: IABSE periodica 1982: table of contents
Cahier P-49: Durable structures: efforts of the German Federal Railway
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Article: Durable structures: efforts of the German Federal Railway
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Cahier P-50: Cellular composite structures for nuclear reactor vessels
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Article: Stahlzellenverbundbauweise im Kernkraftwerksbau
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Cahier P-51: On the theory of ship collision against bridge piers
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Article: On the theory of ship collision against bridge piers
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Cahier P-52: Statical model tests of suspension bridges under construction
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Article: Statical model tests of suspension bridges under construction
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Cahier P-53: Initial elastoplastic buckling of stiffened plate assemblies
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Article: Initial elastoplastic buckling of stiffened plate assemblies
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Cahier P-54: Widths of initial cracks in concrete tension flanges of composite beams
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Article: Widths of initial cracks in concrete tension flanges of composite beams
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Cahier P-55: Improved theory for thin-walled straight beams
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Article: Théorie perfectionnée des poutres droites à parois minces
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Cahier P-56: Fatigue strength evaluation of offshore concrete structures
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Article: Fatigue strength evaluation of offshore concrete structures
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