E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 52 (1997)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 _
Download as PDF Pages liminaires _
Download as PDF Rubrique: Activités des Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques en 1996 _
Download as PDF Article: Confirmation and origin of the paracarpy in Annonaceae, with comments on some methodological aspects 45
Download as PDF Article: Biosystématique et variation géographique : le complexe Teucrium huotii Emb. & Marie (Labiatae) au Maroc 59
Download as PDF Article: Sobre la estructura de la inflorescencia en especies de Anthistiriinae (Poaceae - Andropogoneae) 87
Download as PDF Article: Our new species of Cissus L. (Vitaceae) from Middle America 105
Download as PDF Article: A new monotypic section in Prangos Lindl. (Umbelliferae) and the correct name for its species 109
Download as PDF Article: Notes on African Lepidoptera : foodplant relationships as phyletic clues 113
Download as PDF Article: Nouvelles observations sur la flore du Maroc : 3 119
Download as PDF Article: New Gesneriaceae from São Paulo, Brazil 159
Download as PDF Article: New names and new combinations in Justicia sects. Simonisia, Plagiacanthus and Orthotactus (Acanthaceae) from southern South America 171
Download as PDF Article: Neocryptodiscus papillaris (Boiss.) Herrnst. & Heyn : a new combination based on Cachrys papillaris Boiss. 181
Download as PDF Article: Clave de los géneros de ciperáceas de Brasil y novedades taxonómicas y corológicas en la familia 185
Download as PDF Article: Notulae ad Floram paraquaiensem, 58-61 199
Download as PDF Book review: Analyses d'ouvrages 217
Download as PDF Table of Contents _
Issue 2 _
Download as PDF Front matter _
Download as PDF Article: Données nouvelles sur la flore de Djibouti _
Download as PDF Article: Notes et contributions à la flore de Corse : XIII 239
Download as PDF Article: A new species of Inula L. (Compositae-Inuleae) from Kashmir 281
Download as PDF Article: Effet du couvert des arbres sur la structure spécifique de la strate herbacée en savane subhumide soudanienne (Sénégal, Afrique de l'Ouest) 287
Download as PDF Article: Secamone marsupiata Klack. (Asclepidaceae, Secamonoideae) : a new species from Madagascar 301
Download as PDF Article: Flora and vegetation of Gávdos (Greece), the southernmost European island : I. Vascular flora and chorological relations 305
Download as PDF Article: The genus Freycinetia Gaudich. (Pandanaceae) in the Solomon Islands 359
Download as PDF Artikel: Revision of the genus Baroniella Costantin & Gallaud (Asclepiadaceae, Periplocoideae) 383
Download as PDF Artikel: A survey of the genus Festuca L. (Poaceae) in Italy : III. Nomenclatural notes on some Festuca belonging to Festuca violacea-group 409
Download as PDF Artikel: A survey of the genus Festuca L. (Poaceae) in Italy : IV. Typification of the names of some Italian fescues 429
Download as PDF Artikel: Present state of Angiospermae phylogeny 435
Download as PDF Artikel: A synopsis of the genus Anthemis L. (Compositae-Anthemideae) in Saudi Arabia 457
Download as PDF Artikel: Sobre la estructura de la inflorescencia en especies de Rottboelliinae (Poaceae - Andropogoneae) 475
Download as PDF Article: The Puna vegetation in the valley of Rio Cazaderos, Catamarca Province, Argentina 497
Download as PDF Article: Notulae ad Floram paraquaiensem, 62 509
Download as PDF Book review: Analyses d'ouvrages 513
Download as PDF Index: Key-words index 519
Download as PDF Index: Index des combinaisions et noms nouveaux 525
Download as PDF Index: Index des lectotypifications et néotypifications 526
Download as PDF Index: Index des noms de genres 529
Download as PDF Table of Contents 537