E–Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 41 (1984)
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Issue 1 _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: Surface antigens of stocks and clones of "Trypanosoma cruzi" isolated from humans 5
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Effect of carbohydrates, periodate and enzymes in the process of endocytosis of "Trypanosoma cruzi" by macrophages 17
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Interspecific differentiation of "Trypanosoma cruzi", "Trypanosoma conorhini" and "Trypanosoma rangeli" by lectins in combination with complement lysis 29
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Scanning electron microscopy of the final phase of the life cycle of "Trypanosoma cruzi" in the insect vector 39
Als PDF herunterladen Article: "Trypanosoma vivax", "T. congolense" or "T. brucei" infection rates in "Glossina morsitans" when maintained in vitro on the blood of goat or calf 45
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Different suitability of 3 filarial antigens ("Litomosoides carinii", "Dipetalonema viteae", "Dirofilaria immitis") to act as allergens in the Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis Test and to serve as antigens in an ELISA in the course of experimental filarial infections ("L. carinii", "D. viteae", "Brugia malayi", "B. pahangi") of "Mastomys natalensis" 51
Als PDF herunterladen Article: The effect of p-aminobenzoic acid and folic acid on the development of infective larvae of "Brugia malayi" in "Aedes aegypti" 61
Als PDF herunterladen Article: The effect of domestic detergents on the population dynamics of the immature stages of two competitor mosquitoes, "Culex cinereus" Theobald and "Culex quinquefasciatus" Say (Diptera, Culicidae) in Kenya 69
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Increased sensitivity to a natural pyrethrum extract of "Trypanosoma"-infected "Glossina morsitans" 77
Als PDF herunterladen Article: A screening of serological syphilis in Mauritania 81
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Albendazole : a new single dose anthelmintic : study in 1455 patients 87
Als PDF herunterladen Article: The course of fatal "Trypanosoma simiae" infection in domestic sheep : short communication 91
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Studies on "Trypanosoma rangeli" Tejera, 1920. Part II, Its effect on feeding behaviour of triatomine bugs : short communication 93
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Issue 2 _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: The photodynamic action of rose bengal on "Trypanosoma cruzi" 99
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Protein synthesis in purified trypo- and epimastigote forms of "Trypanosoma cruzi" 109
Als PDF herunterladen Article: A quantitative ultrastructural study on the transformation of "Trypanosoma brucei brucei" metacyclic to bloodstream forms in vitro 117
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Comparative study of the susceptibility to infection with "Trypanosoma simiae" of "Glossina morsitans" and "G. tachinoides" 131
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Identification and taxonomy of human and animal leishmanias by lectin-mediated agglutination 135
Als PDF herunterladen Article: In vitro development of third- and fourth-stage larvae of "Dirofilaria immitis" : comparison of basal culture media serum levels and possible serum substitutes 145
Als PDF herunterladen Article: An outbreak of dracunculiasis in a peri-urban community of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria 155
Als PDF herunterladen Article: "Mycobacterium ulcerans" in Liberia : a clinicopathologic study of 6 patients with Buruli ulcer 165
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Serum aminotransferase activities in sickle cell children during crises 173
Als PDF herunterladen Article: An introductory guide to the identification of cercariae from African freshwater snails with special reference to cercariae of trematode species of medical and veterinary importance 181
Als PDF herunterladen Book review: Rezension = Analyse = Review 203
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Issue 3 _
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Als PDF herunterladen Article: The influence of lymphatic drainage in experimental "Trypanosoma cruzi" infection 207
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Further studies on the cell surface charge of "Trypanosoma cruzi" 215
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Failure of trypanosomal membrane antigens to induce protection against tsetse-transmitted "Trypanosoma vivax" or "T. brucei" in goats and rabbits 227
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Cerebral trypanosomiasis in cattle with mixed "Trypanosoma congolense" and "T. brucei brucei" infections 237
Als PDF herunterladen Article: The appearance of isometamidium resistant "Trypanosoma congolense" in West Africa 247
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Maintenance of "Glossina morsitans morsitans" on antiserum to procyclic trypanosomes reduces infection rates with homologous and heterologous "Trypanosoma congolense" stocks 253
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Zur Übertragung und zum Parasitämieverlauf von "Babesia microti" (Stamm "Hannover I") bei Rötelmaus ("Clethrionomys glareolus") und Erdmaus ("Microtus agrestis") 259
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Localisation dans la chambre antérieure de l'œil de la filaire "Loa loa" : à propos d'une observation 265
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Recovery and viability of "Dirofilaria immitis" microfilariae 271
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Methyl 5(6)-4-2-pyridyl piperazino carbamoyl benzimidazole-2-carbamate : a new broad spectrum anthelmintic 279
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Scanning electron microscopy of "Trichuris trichiura" (Nematoda) 287
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Gîtes à pupes de "Glossina palpalis" s. l. dans une zone préforestière de Côte d'Ivoire 293
Als PDF herunterladen Article: Detection of antibodies against "Candida albicans" in "Giardia lamblia" infected individuals : short communication 303
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Issue 4 _
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Als PDF herunterladen Table of Contents 305
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Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: Injury restricted to cells infected with spotted fever group rickettsiae in parabiotic chambers 307
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: Analysis by flow cytometry of DNA synthesis during the life cycle of African trypanosomes 313
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: Electron-microscopic localization of "Trypanosoma brucei gambiense" transmitted by "Glossina morsitans centralis" in "Microtus montanus" 325
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: Immunological control of chronic "Trypanosoma brucei gambiense" in outbred rodents 335
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: In vitro cultivation of "Trypanosoma congolense" : the production of infective metacyclic trypanosomes in cultures initiated from cloned stocks 343
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: The effect of trypanosome infection on a natural population of "Glossina longipalpis" Wiedemann (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Ivory Coast 355
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: A collaborative study on larval excretory/secretory antigens of "Toxocara canis" for the immunodiagnosis of human toxocariasis with ELISA 361
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: Pathology of experimental infection with "Brugia malayi" in ferrets : comparison with occult filariasis in man 373
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: Development of a chemotherapeutic model for microfilaricidal drugs to "Dirofilaria immitis" 383
Als PDF herunterladen Artikel: Tolerability of long-term prophylaxis with Fansidar : a randomized double-blind study in Nigeria 391
Als PDF herunterladen Buchbesprechung: Rezension = Analyse = Review 401
Als PDF herunterladen Inhaltsverzeichnis 402
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