E-Periodica Schweizer Zeitschriften online. Revues suisses en ligne. Swiss journals online.

Volume 57 (1984)
Heading Page
Cahier 1 1
Download as PDF Article: Calcul numérique de la masse physique dans le modèle λ : φ^4:_2 pour de petites valeurs de λ 1
Download as PDF Article: Exact Wigner functions of bicanonical unitary transformations 35
Download as PDF Article: Exact decay of correlations for infinite range continuous systems 63
Download as PDF Article: Geometrical approach to the Aharonov-Bohm plus potential scattering 86
Download as PDF Article: Thermodynamics of a relativistic Fermi gas in a strong magnetic field 96
Download as PDF Article: Mössbauer studies of the structural phase transitions in RbFeF_4 101
Download as PDF Article: Identification des modes d'ondes d'Alfvén 110
Download as PDF Article: Geometrical effects on the absorption of MHD waves at the Alfven spatial resonance 121
Cahier 2 133
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Zum Hinschied von Felix Bloch 133
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Gregory H. Wannier (1911-1983) 136
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Symposium der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 139
Download as PDF Article: Synergetik : die spontane Entstehung von Strukturen in der belebten und unbelebten Natur 140
Download as PDF Article: Quelques états de la matière 157
Download as PDF Article: From atoms to biomolecules 165
Download as PDF Article: Form determination of subcellular biological structures as for example viruses 188
Download as PDF Article: L'interprétation des morphologies spatio-temporelles : réductionnisme ou platonisme? 202
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Bericht von der Herbsttagung 1983 der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (SPG), Delsberg, 13./14. Oktober 1983 211
Cahier 3 301
Download as PDF Article: Lower bounds for zero energy eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators 301
Download as PDF Article: Localisation of states in quantum mechanics 307
Download as PDF Article: Infrared regularization of supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics 321
Download as PDF Article: Optische und elektronische Eigenschaften von TiS_2, TiSe_2 sowie von Mischkristallen Ti_1-xM_xS_2 und Ti_1-xM_xSe_2 mit M = V, Nb und Hf 336
Download as PDF Article: Structural dynamics in the chain compound (CH_3)_3NHCdCl_3 400
Download as PDF Article: Spontaneous fission decay constant of 238U : measured by the fission track technique 416
Cahier 4 421
Download as PDF Article: The missing elements of reality in the description of quantum mechanics of the E.P.R. paradox situation 421
Download as PDF Article: Twistor geometry 429
Download as PDF Article: Progrès récents dans la physique des systèmes désordonnés 459
Download as PDF Informations des associations: Frühjahrstagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (SPG) 470
Cahier 5 577
Download as PDF Nécrologie: Ernst Carl Gerlach Stueckelberg von Breidenbach 577
Download as PDF Article: Some nonstandard quantum electrodynamics 579
Download as PDF Article: Dilations of a quantum measurement 610
Download as PDF Article: Rigorous theorems for surface energies of finite and semi-infinite jellia 621
Download as PDF Article: The quasipotential formalism for pion exchange effects in the two-nucleon system 644
Download as PDF Article: Diffusion length and junction depth determination based on spectral response measurements of mono- and polycrystalline silicon solar cells 687
Cahier 6 697
Download as PDF Article: La théorie de la diffusion de Lax et Phillips dans le cas quantique 697
Download as PDF Article: Limiting particle density of a relativistic Fermi gas in a magnetic field 704
Download as PDF Article: Comment to numerical study of a long range Ising spin-glass : exact results for small samples 708
Download as PDF Article: Propagation laser en atmosphere turbulente 710
Download as PDF Association News: Bericht über die Herbsttagung der Schweizerischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft in Zürich an der Universität Irchel vom 4.-5. Oktober 1984 727
Download as PDF Table of Contents 831
Download as PDF Index: Author's index = Autorenregister = Table des auteurs 845